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Micael Dahlén joins this year’s Children’s Climate Prize jury!

Publicerad: 2017-06-16

This year’s jury is on its marks and all set to find the young climate hero of 2017. It is especially exciting that there is a new addition this year – Micael Dahlén, economist, author and rock star-professor at the Stockholm School of Economics.  Chairman of the jury this year as well is Johan Kuylenstierna, Executive Director of the Stockholm Environment Institute, ranked as the world’s most influential think tank in environmental policy.

Johan Kuylenstierna, who leads the work of the jury, has signed up another new name to join his team, 17-year-old Juhán Niila Stålka from WWF Sweden Youth. Juhán has a Sami heritage, and comes from Jåhkåmåhkke (Jokkmokk) in northern Sweden. There is no mistaking his commitment to environmental and human rights issues, and we are delighted to see Juhán join this year’s jury. Katarina Mohlin, Head of Communications at if and Soledad Piñero Misa, founder of Retoy and Social Mission Manager at Ben & Jerrys Nordic, are also members of the jury. The international presence in the jury consists of youth representatives from France, the USA and New Zealand. These young people took part in the Children's Climate Conference in 2015 and are participating through link along with students from Blombackaskolan School in Södertälje, Sweden.

– Last year’s winner, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, totally blew our minds with his climate commitment, enthusiasm and the sheer power he brought to fighting for his own future. It was an unparalleled performance. Never has a prize of this kind felt more important, raising children’s voices and perspectives - this is crucial! says Johan Kuylenstierna, Chairman of the Children's Climate Prize 2017.

This is the jury:

Johan Kuylenstierna, Executive Director of the Stockholm Environment Institute

Micael Dahlén, economist, author and rock star Professor of Economics

Katarina Mohlin, Head of Communications at if

Juhán Niila Stålka, WWF Sweden Youth

Soledad Piñero Misa, Retoy and Social Mission Manager at Ben & Jerrys Nordic

Youth representatives from France, the USA and New Zealand, along with students from the Blombackaskolan School.

Children's Climate Prize 2017 award ceremony and banquet will take place on November 22nd and the nomination page is already open so click the link below and nominate your climate hero now!

Nominate here >>


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Jonna Holmgren
Phone: + 46 70 888 05 02

Project Contact
Niklas Karlsson, Eventum
Phone: + 46 73 526 83 61